East High School Class of 1959
Class of '59 Reunion Website

Welcome to the Reunion web site for Denver East High School Class of 1959.

Well, our 65th is over.  Couldn't have been better. Two great nights and the second  night outside at the Glenmoor Country Club was perfect.   The Club's hospitality, the comradery and the weather.  All Perfect!

We have a collections of pictures from Glenmoor all with names of classmates.  Let us know if we made any mistakes.

65th at Glenmoor Pictures

The turnout was almost as good as our 60th in September 2019, which was fantastic, with over 113 classmates and 150 people attending.  We had over 100 people attending this event.  Sadly some more of our classmates are now deceased.   

If you move or change your email, please let us know. Use this address: EastHigh59@crosshair.net

If anyone hears bad news about someone passing, please let us know.. Sadly, as of March 2024, we know of 246 who have passed away. 


Your Reunion Committee 



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