Cocktails and Hor d'oeuvres in the Atrium of the Doubletree
When you arrive drive take a left directly to the West parking area. It's free. Enter the building using the West ground level entrance. Our party in The Atrium is just inside that door. DO NOT go to or through the lobby. It is an unnecessary hassle.
This map illustration may help. Double Tree Illustration
We start at 5:30 and go to 9:30. Lots of Hor d'oeuvres so no one will leave hungry. We will have name badges for you when you arrive. Be sure and keep them for the next night.
Gary Autrey filmed the Color Day Parade in 1959. We have it digitized and will be showing it on the TV monitors. Lots of pictures from prior reunions too. Mostly we get to mingle and catch up with old classmates. Old, as in some years ago, but not age! We are too young to be "old".